Conference sponsorship
Twitter: @HydroscapeNERC
The 2021 EPCN conference is being supported by the Hydroscape project – a five-year multi-partner research programme that started in December 2015 as funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council.
For the 2021 EPCN is providing considerable funding towards virtual platform IT support costs. Ponds are an important component part of Hydroscape which aims to determine how stressors and connectivity interact to influence biodiversity and ecosystem function in freshwaters across Britain. While stressors such as nutrient pollution and climate change drive ecological degradation, connectivity between freshwater habitats is a major force behind both dispersal of stressors and biodiversity. Currently, the implication for freshwaters of future changes in stressor intensity and in connectivity levels across Britain are poorly understood. Hydroscape aims to significantly improve understanding in this respect and thus inform the work of organisations engaged in waterbody restoration, biological conservation, the control of invasive species and diseases of wildlife and humans, at the international, national and local level.

Website link:
Twitter: @HydroscapeNERC