Programme and session themes
The 2021 conference has risen from the Covid-induced ashes of the 2020 conference. We had planned all sorts of fun events for those participants who were preparing to travel to London, but alas it was not to be.
The 2021 conference will take place over 25-26th May, with live oral sessions from 10:00-12:15 and 14:00-16:15 on each day. On the evening of the 25th May, from 17:30 to 19:30, there will be an on-line social event featuring a virtual fieldtrip to the ponds of the New Forest in southern England and possibly some pond music. Plus get revising for an EPCN pond quiz? The pond world’s equivalent to Eurovision!
Based on the abstracts that we had received prior to the 2020 meeting, we will run the following four oral sessions: Advances in Pond Monitoring, Conservation and Management of Ponds, Patterns and Processes in Pondscapes and Urban Ponds. Poster presentations will be made available on the conference webpages during the conference and at for at least six months afterwards. A brief schedule for the conference is given below, while the detailed schedule can be found here. Oral session abstracts can be found under the Oral Sessions tab. Times are in UK time.