Monthly EPCN Seminar Series 2021

Following the EPCN on-line conference, there are plans to run monthly seminars on the first Wednesday of every month, starting in July 2021. These will run until Christmas 2021 and will aim to provide a space for sessions and speakers, who, for logistical reasons, we could not fit into the May conference. These sessions will also aim to bring the European pond community even closer together, following the unfortunate cancellation of our London 2020 meeting. The dates of for these monthly “Pondering Sessions” will be: 7th July, 4th August, 1st September, 6th October, 3rd November and 1st December (The Christmas Special). Each session will feature a key-note talk followed by three follow-up standard presentations. The seminars will be co-hosted by the EPCN, the NERC Hydroscape Project and the new EU Ponderful Project. More details on these events to follow shortly.