Documents on Ponds
In English
- Biggs J, Williams P, Withfield M, Fox G, Nicolet P. 2000. Ponds, pools and lochans
Guidance on good practice in the management and creation of small waterbodies in Scotland [pdf 3.8 Mo] - Boothby J (ed). 1997. British Pond Landscape. Action for Protection and Enhancement, Proceedings of the UK Conference of the Pond Life Project, University College Chester
- Boothby J (ed). 1999. Ponds & Pond Landscapes of Europe, Proceedings of the International Conference of the Pond Life Project, Maastricht
- Brönmark C, Hansson LA. 2000. The Biology of Lakes and Ponds. New York, Oxford University Press
- Grillas P, Gauthier P, Yavercovski N, Perennou C. 2004. Mediterranean temporary pools, Volume 1 – Issues relating to conservation, functioning and management, Tour du Valat, France
- Grillas P, Gauthier P, Yavercovski N, Perennou C. 2004. Mediterranean temporary pools, Volume 2 – Species information sheets, Tour du Valat, France
- Hoffman RL, Tyler TJ, Larson GL, Adams MJ, Wente W, Galvan S. 2005. Sampling protocol for monitoring abiotic and biotic characteristics of mountain ponds and lakes: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods [pdf 1.7 Mo]
- Macan TT. 1973. Ponds and Lakes. Crane, Russak & Company, Inc. New York
- Williams P, Biggs J, Whitfield M, Thorne A, Bryant S, Fox G, Nicolet P. 1999. The Pond Book: a guide to the management and creation of ponds. Ponds Conservation Trust, Oxford
- Williams P, J Biggs1, A Crowe, J Murphy, P Nicolet, A Weatherby,M Dunbar 2010. Countryside Survey. Pond report 2007. [pdf 4.0 Mo]
- Biggs J, Williams P, Withfield M, Fox G, Nicolet P. 2000. Ponds, pools and lochans
In French
- Arnaboldi F, Alban N. 2007. La gestion des mares forestières de plaine. Guide technique de l’Office National des Forêts
- Grillas P, Gauthier P, Yavercovski N, Perennou C. 2004. Les mares temporaires méditerranéennes, Volume 1 – Enjeux de conservation, fonctionnement et gestion. Tour du Valat, France [pdf 1.7 Mo]
- Grillas P, Gauthier P, Yavercovski N, Perennou C. 2004. Les mares temporaires
méditerranéennes, Volume 2 – Fiches espèces. Tour du Valat, France [pdf 1.2 Mo] - Lefeuvre J.-C. (Dir.) 2010. Carrières, biodiversité et fonctionnement des hydrosystèmes. Buchet-Chastel, Ecologie. 381 pp. [Abstract, pdf 4.4 Mo]
- Oertli B & Frossard P-A. 2013. Les mares et étangs : écologie, conservation, gestion, valorisation. Presses Polytechniques Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne. 480 pp.[leaflet, pdf 3.5 Mo]
- Roth C, Fuchs E, Grossenbacher K, Jungen H, Klötzli F, Marrer H. 1981. Etangs naturels – Comment les projeter, les aménager, les recréer. Office fédéral des forêts, Division de la protection de la nature et du paysage, Berne
In German
- Engelhardt W. 1996. Was lebt in Tümpel, Bach und Weiher? Pflanzen und Tiere unsere Gewässer. 14 Aufl. Stuttgart: Franckh-Cosmos
- Glandt D. 2006. Praktische Kleingewässerkunde. Laurenti-Verlag, Bielefeld
In Spanish
- Sancho V., Lacomba I. 2010. Conservación y Restauración de Puntos de Agua para la Biodiversitad. Colección Manuales Técnicos de Biodiversidad, 2. Generalitat. Conselleria de Medi Ambient, Aigua, Urbanisme i Habitatge. 168 pp. [pdf 6.4 Mo]
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