Date for your 2020 Diary!

As you start planning the new year ahead, don’t forget to block out the 18-23rd May 2020 when the 9th EPCN conference will be held at University College London, UK.
The 9th European Pond Conservation Network (EPCN) conference will be held over 18-23rd May 2020 at University College London (UCL), London, UK. Responding to the considerable need to conserve European ponds, the conference will combine pond biology, hydrology and landscape ecology with pond conservation practice and welcomes both scientists and conservation practitioners to the meeting. The conference will include both oral and poster presentations along with workshop sessions aimed at increasing integration of the European pond community. A mid-conference field trip, hosted by the Freshwater Habitats Trust, will centre on the beautiful New Forest National Park in southern England, which harbours many ancient ponds and rare species.
News on how to book and submit abstracts will be online shortly!