A New Life for Ponds in Portugal
Ponds with Life Project launches a Crowdfunding Campaign to guarantee the conservation of such threatened habitats
Ponds with Life Project, developed by CIIMAR Research Centre, University of Porto, wants to raise 9.000 € to ensure the conservation of important but threatened pond habitats in Portugal. This is the only Project in Portugal that is dedicated, since 2011, to the participation of citizens in the study and conservation of ponds and their biodiversity, at a national level, through an innovative approach of citizen science.
To guarantee the support of citizens in pond conservation, make available new didactic material and develop new scientific studies, the Ponds with Life team have launched a Crowdfunding Campaign “Don’t let Ponds without Life”, in PPL platform.
With this support, the team intends to achieve in 2017: 174 surveyed ponds; 20 constructed ponds; develop 42 activities with 1060 students; develop 26 courses, training 390 trainees; make available open source 3 new fauna and flora ID guides/keys: 1) Amphibian Larvae and Eggs; 2) Freshwater Macroinvertebrates; 3) Freshwater Plants; develop 2 scientific thesis (Graduate and Masters).
Ana Ferreira, the biologist resposible for Ponds with Life project, explains the importance of this Campaign: “Ponds are excellent models for ecosystem studies and provide several environmental services. The support we need is crucial to guarantee the Projects existence in 2017, being able to give response to the many daily requests that we receive to develop activities and provide support to pond construction. Also, it’s very important to continue the pond survey and related scientific studies to implement adequate conservation measures. This is a unique project that has been contributing a lot to the increased knowledge in Portugal”.
In exchange for this incredible support, the Campaign has offers available for all supporters! To consult all information about the Campaign, available offers and many more just go to our Campaign Official Page. All help counts and the ponds rely on you!