PONDERFUL Two-year post doc at Bangor University
Applications are invited for a two-year post-doctoral research officer post in the School of Natural Sciences to work on an H2020 project funded by the European Commission called ‘POND Ecosystems for Resilient FUture Landscapes in a changing climate (PONDERFUL)’ (https://ponderful.eu/).
The successful candidate will work with Dr Isabel Rosa (Bangor University, UK), as well as the other partners in the Scenarios & modelling work-package (WP3): Zuhal Akyürek (Middle East Technical University, Turkey), Dennis Trolle (Aarhus University, Denmark), and Matias Arim (Universidad de la República de Uruguay).
Duties will include developing spatially-explicit and stakeholder-informed scenarios of land use change for several ‘pondscapes’ across Europe. The candidate will also engage with stakeholders at these different sites, as well as with partners from the wider project to support the development of a decision-making tool for the sustainable development of European ponds using nature based solutions. The successful candidate will also contribute to the wider project objectives by attending project meetings and engaging in discussions regarding interdisciplinary integration and project impact.
Candidates must have a PhD (or be close to completion) or equivalent in spatial ecology, geography, computational ecology, conservation, or a related subject and have experience of publishing research in peer reviewed journals. Experience of stakeholder engagement and working in interdisciplinary teams is desirable. From a skills perspective, demonstrated experience in spatial modelling and/or handling spatial datasets using geographic information systems is required, as is being comfortable using a programming language to conduct statistical analyses (either R or Python, preferably). Experience of organising workshops is desirable.
The successful candidate will be expected to commence on 1st September 2021 or as soon as possible thereafter and the post is available until 31/08/2023.
Informal enquiries to Isabel Rosa at i.rosa@bangor.ac.uk.
Applications will only be accepted via our on-line recruitment website, jobs.bangor.ac.uk. However, in cases of access issues due to disability, paper application forms are available by telephoning 01248 383865.
Closing date for applications: 18 June 2021.
Full details can be found at: https://jobs.bangor.ac.uk/details.php.en?id=QLYFK026203F3VBQB7V68LOTX&nPostingID=5516&nPostingTargetID=5972&mask=stdext&lg=UK