International pond conference 2024
Ponds and pondscapes for biodiversity, climate and people
12th and 13th November – free online event
Conference website: International Pond Conference 2024 – Ponderful

PONDERFUL and the European Pond Conservation Network invite you to submit a proposal to give a presentation or share a poster at our international conference.
This two-day online event will bring together freshwater scientists, practitioners and policymakers from around the world. Our aim is to share the latest research, practical and political knowledge on the importance of ponds as nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation.
Please submit your abstract for one of the following conference themes:
These sessions will be aimed at freshwater scientists
Ponds and regulation of climate
- pond carbon storage, greenhouse gas emissions, other relationships (e.g. pond cooling of urban areas)
- pond biodiversity and climate: Relationships between pond biodiversity and climate change – where climate is a main focus of the results.
The value of ponds and pondscapes for biodiversity
Including inter alia their value for rare and endangered taxa, and their value compared to other freshwater habitat types.
Threats to pond diversity
The main factors affecting pond biodiversity. Talks could focus on threats to specific pond types (e.g. temporary ponds, alpine ponds), and/or specific species/groups. Multi-factorial studies which include climate as a minor element can be included here.
Modelling and assessment of ponds
Modelling and mapping ponds, pond environments or biota, links to landscape change and development of scenarios that assist with pond and pondscape assessment.
Ponds’ contributions to regulatory and support services
The role of ponds in providing ecosystem services, such as:
- regulation of hazards and extreme events
- regulation of freshwater quantity
- regulation of freshwater quality
- pollination, food and feed
- ponds’ contribution to wellbeing
The outcomes of research into ways that ponds benefit people in terms of their holistic well-being
for example:
- physical and psychological experiences
- learning and inspiration
- supporting identities.
Practitioner focused – research that helps practitioners
This session focuses on how lessons learnt from pond science can be practically applied to inform and support the practices of land managers and advisors
Maintaining and increasing pond biodiversity
Evidence-based ways to maintain or increase pond biodiversity (pond species, biotic groups, or assemblages). Talks may be specific to particular pond types e.g. temporary ponds. Includes:
- increasing biodiversity value through physical pond creation and management
- practical implications from improved understanding of factors that influence biodiversity value such as how to improve water quality (e.g. buffer zones), manage shade, grazing, manage surrounding landscapes
- other information or lessons learnt relevant to practitioners: e.g. new survey and assessment tools, successful use of eDNA approaches.
Pond biodiversity benefits for the wider landscape
How to design, create or manage ponds or pondscapes to deliver biodiversity benefits to the wider landscape (e.g. pollinators, or freshwater biodiversity benefits more generally, including in the face of threats such as climate change).
Maximising the value of ponds as nature-based solutions
How ponds can be practically managed, located or designed to support and increase their value as nature-based solutions. Topics to consider:
- regulation of climate, water quality and quantity
- psychological, education, well-being etc.
Ponds in policy and legislation
Sessions for policy makers, as well as practitioners and scientists with an interest in policy
Implications for policy for pond science
To further the integration of ponds into policy and legislation at national and international levels, particularly by understanding:
- the context – what’s been achieved in policy terms so far
- what are the gaps and what needs to be achieved?
- barriers to integration into policy.
- opportunities and routeways.
- finance and cost-benefits.
Country-based examples should ideally focus on routeways that brought success and generalisable lessons learnt.
PONDERFUL has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 869296.
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