Fourth workshop
Berlin, Germany was the host of the 4th Conference of the European Pond Conservation Network (EPCN).
The Conference took place in Erkner (near Berlin) from 1 to 4 June 2010 under the motto “Eyes of the landscape – value ponds in the 21st century” considering the challenges of “Countdown 2010 – year of biodiversity”. The event was organised under the auspices of EPCN by the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Müncheberg, Germany, with the support of German partners (German Limnological Society, Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries Berlin, University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg and BUND “Friends of the earth”).
The conference venue was at “Education Centre Erkner”, situated at the southern borderline of Eastern Berlin. The conference site is not far away from the pond rich agricultural landscape of the young moraine region.
Four keynote Conferences
Steven Declerck
“Biodiversity in small farmland ponds: multigroup congruency and associations with land use practices at multiple spatial scales”
Michael J. Jeffries
“The nature of ponds: history, natural history and why we need to understand both”
Bram Vanschoenwinkel
“Space, time travel and metacommunity dynamics: temporary pools as models for ecology and evolution in metacommunities”
Hauke Drews
“Conservation of Bombina bombina in the Baltic Sea Region”
Eight Topics
1 Pond typology, functions, services in landscapes
2 Methods of ecological monitoring and assessment
3 Pedogenesis and paleolimnology of ponds
4 Hydrology, biogeochemistry, pollution of ponds
5 Habitat functions, biodiversity, bioindication
6 Practical use, conservation, management of ponds
7 Decision aids for policy, legislation, pond users
8 Education on pond functioning, values, wise us
118 participants and 125 communications (oral or posters)
A total of 118 pond researchers and practitioners (25 % students) from 22 countries attended the conference.
With 61 oral (56 regular, 4 keynote) and 64 poster presentations the conference offered a broad range of contributions to 8 topics from basic research to the practical aspects of pond conservation. The authors of three posters were awarded a prize. A special web page will be prepared next month including most posters (in pdf files).
the abstract book [pdf 4850kb]
Between the presentations there were plenty of opportunities for getting to know each other and to exchange experiences in a relaxed atmosphere. This was supported by a pleasant conference venue and the great evening reception with cultural highlights like singing together the „Pond frog song” performed by the organisers.
Three workshops
Ponds as sentinel systems
Pond research and conservation in Germany
Excursions (4th June)
Two field trips: ponds in the young moraine landscape of Northeast Germany (glacially created kettle holes, nutrient retention ponds, fish ponds…). Müncheberg and Rhinluch.
Two special issues of international scientific journals
A special issue of Hydrobiologia ( published in 2012)
A special issue of Limnologica is planned (to be published in 2012)